ReCAAP ISC: Piracy, sea robbery up
Increase in very significant crimes causing concern in SE Asia.
ReCAAP ISC: Piracy, sea robbery up 16% in 1H14
Titus Zheng
Singapore-based anti-piracy organisation, ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre (ReCAAP ISC), has highlighted an increase of 16% year-on-year (y/y) in the numbers of reported sea robbery and piracy incidents for 1H14.
From January to June 2014, ReCAAP ISC recorded a total of 73 incidents, compared to 61 incidents for the first half of 2013. Of the 73 incidents, 69 of them were actual cases of robbery and piracy against ships, while the remaining four were attempted incidents.
ReCAAP ISC has said that it is also very concerned with the increase to five Category 1 (very significant) incidents of fuel/oil siphoning that occurred in 1H14, compared to no Category 1 incidents being reported during the same period last year.
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