Tag: Benghazi

  • Threat to Libyan tankers

    New dangers for tankers off Libya. Libya’s rival government threatens oil tankers Forces loyal to Libya’s parallel government on Tuesday threatened to bomb oil tankers approaching the Libyan coast without […]

  • US Marines on foreign ships?

    Lack of current platforms forcing new ideas. Marines looking at deploying aboard foreign ships Jim Michaels Faced with a shortage of U.S. Navy ships, the Marine Corps is exploring a […]

  • Warplane Attacks Benghazi Port

    Incident follows threats against ships entering Benghazi Port last week. Warplane Attacks Libya’s Benghazi Port A war plane attacked a port in Benghazi on Wednesday in a strike claimed by […]

  • Threat to ships at Benghazi

    Issues continue in Libya. Ships calling at Benghazi could be targeted  Cairo: Retired Libyan general Khalifa Haftar on Sunday threatened to order his troops to shoot ships entering the Port […]