Cameroon Maritime Security course
Trainers from US, Nigeria Cameroon and Somalia expected.
Cameroon Maritime Security course announced
The Department of History of the University of Buea in collaboration with the Strategic Centre for Peace and Leadership, the Foundation for Peace and Solidarity, the Campus Centre for Peace and Dialogue and the Positive Peace Group hereby announces:
A five (05) days international “Maritime Security Course” scheduled from 18 – 22 April 2016 at the University of Buea, Cameroon.
This course is open to a maximum of Thirty (30) participants, including practitioners and students wishing to gain knowledge on various aspects of maritime security. Professionals from organisations such as National Maritime Administrations, marine police, gendarmerie forces, coastguards, navies, relevant government ministries as well as diplomats and NGO representatives will find this course particularly useful.
COURSE FEE: The fee is 25,000FCFA (50USD) for professionals and 15.000CFA (30USD) for students. This covers all training materials and lunch for the duration of the course. Participants will also receive a certificate of participation.
TRAINERS AND MODE OF TRAINING: Trainers for this course will be military officers and academics from Cameroon, Nigeria, Somalia, and the United States. The training will be conducted through case studies, simulations, group discussion and visits to maritime sites in Cameroon.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applicants are required to complete an application form and email it to or to alongside a copy of their Curriculum Vitae. Application forms can be received upon request from the above emails. Forms are also available at the secretariat of the Department of History, University of Buea.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION is 30th March 2016. Contact Persons: Dr. Roland Ndille, (Head, Department of History, Tel. 677725976), Dr. Albert Samah (Executive Director, SCEPEAL and CAPED, Tel: 675183692,