Hijacked tanker released
Confusing situation in Gulf of Guinea.
Hijacked tanker released, some crew kidnapped
Nov 2 Update: Latest update – 4 crew from offshore tug and an unknown number of ANUKET AMBER crew were kidnapped.
Nov 2 Update: Tanker was released and as of 0530 UTC Nov 2, was sailing in northwest direction south of Lome Togo, destination unknown, with armed security on board. Crew understood to be safe and weel. Most probably, tanker was released after pirates siphoned from tanker its’ cargo of fuel. No news yet on 4 crew kidnapped from offshore supply ship ARK TZE (IMO 9418767, dwt 2319).
Nov 1 Update: offshore supply ship ARK TZE (IMO 9418767, dwt 2319) 15 crew include 12 Indonesian, 2 Myanmar and 1 Ukrainian nationalities. Among 4 kidnapped 3 Indonesians and 1 Ukrainian.
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Source: maritimebulletin.net