Start the Year Running with webFTA
Videotel Marine International claim WebFTA is the ideal tool to monitor continued professional development progress and to spot any gaps in individual’s knowledge or skills.
Start the Year Running with Videotel’s webFTA
As the new continuous professional development (CPD) year begins, the shipping industry must turn to the best available technology to monitor CPD performance and to chart individuals’ progress through the training challenges faced by onboard personnel.
Nigel Cleave, CEO of Videotel Marine International, believes the way forward is clear.
“The seafarer today is working with more technology and more legislation than ever before,” he explains. ”Yet at the same time the seafarer may face hazards and difficult working conditions on a daily basis. The skill sets that are required call for an intricate training matrix and, when coupled with the added challenge of the seafarer transferring from vessel to vessel, it’s easy to see that a powerful training administration tool is needed to implement and monitor training progress and identify any gaps.”
“We are delighted to say that users of Videotel’s webFTA system have found that very tool, and are currently reaping the benefits of extensively improved monitoring, as well as a considerably reduced office workload offered by the system – in 2012 alone we had over five million training events recorded. Our clients can be sure that they are starting 2013 with their training records well and truly shipshape.”
Videotel’s webFTA (Fleet Training Administrator) is an onshore training and records management programme that synchronises with the Onboard Training Manager (OTMplus) and is built around cloud based technology. This enables the manager to access seafarers’ results and performance from anywhere he has internet access. It allows access to all training records on all ships, including company specific drills and tasks, and also imports training records directly from the Videotel On Demand (VOD) system on board ship, offering a variety of data assessment tools and over 40 reports – including performance assessment, benchmarking and crew record management, as well as allowing easy tracking of crew training records. The level of automation and sophistication is remarkable, making webFTA a tremendously powerful tool for shipowners and shipmanagers.
“A properly managed programme of training is essential for every member of the crew on every vessel,” adds Nigel Cleave. “Working from a central database makes operations run smoother for everyone. WebFTA is a simple to use system with the added benefit that it also helps show adherence to the ISM Code and a clear training structure to Port State Control and vetting inspectors.”