Pakistan Navy Needs Further Boost

PRIME Minister Nawaz Sharif while addressing the 100th Midshipmen Commissioning parade of Pakistan navy on Saturday stated that Pakistan’s maritime defence was impregnable

Navy needs further boost

PRIME Minister Nawaz Sharif while addressing the 100th Midshipmen Commissioning parade of Pakistan navy on Saturday stated that Pakistan’s maritime defence was impregnable and the navy is a capable and professional force. He also expressed his confidence that the Navy would prove its mettle in safeguarding maritime security of the country if and when called upon to deal with any threat.

There is no doubt about the commitment and professional competence of the officers and sailors of the vital force as they had been in the forefront and confronted all the challenges that came in their way. However Navy hitherto did not get due attention when compared with emerging challenges. A changing naval defence sector demands new technology, as modern navies are increasingly required to go beyond their traditional function of guarding borders and sea boundaries. Navies do more than simply fight other navies; they directly affect events on land, and they patrol maritime space for commercial shipping. If we look in our neighbourhood, realising the importance of a strong Navy, Indian Navy’s defense allocation went up to $4.77 billion from $2.74 billion last year. It received a 72 percent hike in its modernization budget, in comparison to its sister services.

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