Armed Robbers hit SE Asia ships
Robbers hit multiple ships in 27-hour spree.
Armed Robbers hit SE Asia ships
ReCAAP took the unusual step of issuing a report on a spate of attempted armed robberies over the weekend.
The incidents took place on August 21st and 22nd in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS) and occurred over a 27 hour period. Given the close proximity and timings of the incidents, ReCAAP believes that the same group of four to five men armed with knives may well have been responsible. The attacks would appear to have been opportunist in nature, with no real targets selected. The ships involved include three tankers, two container ships and a bulk carrier and it would appear that only one of the attacks resulted in anything being stolen.
Armed robberies at sea and petty theft at anchor are the most prevalent maritime crimes in Southeast Asia, although the hijacking of small coastal tankers for their fuel oil cargoes remains a significant issue.
Some shipping and oil companies in the region have already adopted BMP4-style measures whilst transiting the SOMS and ReCAAP advocates enhanced vigilance and use of lights to deter potential boarders.